Used to provide cold therapy around the perineal area.
It is typically used to relieve pain associated with:
- Natural Childbirth
- Episiotomy
- Vasectomy
- Anal Surgery
- Haemorrhoidectomy
- or other pain in the perineal area
BELVEA Instant Cold Perineal Pad provides immediate cold therapy relieve once activated.
The activation process is simple.
- With the pad still in its individual wrapping, fold the pad into half. This action will burst the inner bubble of the pad.
- Shake the pad to mix the content well. As soon as the content is mixed, the pads temperature will drop immediately to around 5 Degree Celsius or thereabout.
- Stick the pad on to the underpants using its adhesive sticker wear it in position
Like all similar instant cold perineal pads sold globally, the coldness would normally last anywhere between 30 minutes up to an hour. The duration of coldness is very much influenced by the following factors:
- How much bodily discharge is absorbed on the pad
- The cold tolerance of the individual
- The body temperature of the individual, at the time of use
- The individual’s skin surface area coming into direct contact around the pad
- As such, the coldness duration really varies from individual to individual.